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  • 祝福老人生日快乐的话都有哪些(母亲节英文祝福少儿)

    栏目: 祝福语 日期:2024-12-27 07:12:03 浏览量(






    1. 福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松:愿您的福气像大海一样无边无际,寿命像山峰一样长久。

    2. 松鹤长春,延年益寿:愿您像松树一样四季常青,像仙鹤一样长寿安康。

    3. 健康长寿,幸福美满:祝您生日快乐,身体健康,每一天都充满欢笑与温暖。

    4. 岁岁平安,年年如意:愿您每一年都平安顺遂,事事称心如意。

    5. 笑口常开,乐享天伦:愿您天天开心,享受家庭的温馨与欢乐。

    6. 寿星高照,福泽绵长:愿您如同寿星般受到上天的庇佑,福气绵延不断。

    7. 春秋不老,日月长明:愿您的生命如同春秋一样永不老去,时光永远明亮。

    8. 吉祥如意,阖家欢乐:愿您及家人在新的一年里吉祥如意,生活美满幸福。

    9. 百岁人生,精彩无限:愿您长寿百岁,生活丰富多彩,每一天都充满惊喜与快乐。

    10. 寿比南山,德高望重:愿您长寿安康,德行高尚,备受尊敬。





    1. Happy Mother"s Day to the most wonderful mother and child! May your bond grow stronger with each passing day.

    2. Wishing you a day filled with love and joy on Mother"s Day. May your child"s days be as bright and beautiful as your smile.

    3. To my dear mom and little one, happy Mother"s Day! May your love be the sun that shines brightly in your child"s heart.

    4. On this special day, I want to tell my mom how much I love her and how lucky I am to have her as my mother. Happy Mother"s Day!

    5. My dear mom, you are the best mom in the world. Wishing you a happy Mother"s Day filled with happiness and love for your child.

    6. Happy Mother"s Day to the one and only mom who makes me feel loved and cherished. May your child"s future be as bright as your smile.

    7. To my wonderful mom and her little star, happy Mother"s Day! May your love be a guiding light for your child"s journey.

    8. Wishing you a day of pure bliss on Mother"s Day, filled with love, laughter, and all the things that make you happy. Happy Mother"s Day to my amazing mom and her little one!

    9. To my dear mom, you are the heart of our home and the love of our lives. Happy Mother"s Day to you and your precious child!

    10. On this special day, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my mom for everything she does. Wishing you a happy Mother"s Day filled with joy and love for your child!


    祝福 英文 母亲节



