Sure, here are some sad English sentences without the Chinese translation:
1. Sometimes, we spend a lot of time looking for answers that aren"t meant to be found.
2. I miss you so much it hurts, but being with you would hurt more.
3. It"s strange how people you don"t expect to, can leave such a mark on your heart.
4. We were good together, until we weren’t.
5. The hardest goodbye is when you’re still in love, but you know it’s over.
6. Every time I think about what could have been, I end up crying over what was.
7. Some people come into our lives and quickly go, but the ones who stay touch us somehow.
8. No matter how many times you fall, it always hurts just as much.
9. Even the strongest can crumble under the weight of their own sadness.
10. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
1. 爱情就像手表,时刻提醒我们珍惜时间的宝贵,分秒不停地流逝。
2. 她的爱情像手表一样精准,每一刻都值得用心去记取和珍藏。
3. 我们的爱情就如同一只精密的手表,每一个齿轮、每一个指针都恰到好处地契合着对方的心跳与需求。
4. 他的爱犹如一块手表,默默无闻却又不可或缺,总是在不经意间给予最温暖的支持。
5. 爱情像是手表里的电池,虽然平时可能感觉不到它的存在,但一旦没电,生命就会停止转动。
6. 她的爱情像手表那样,即使历经风雨,依然能够准确无误地指向正确的时刻。
7. 我们的爱情就像手表上的指针,虽然移动缓慢,但却坚定地指向彼此的心灵深处。
8. 爱情是那块永不磨损的手表,无论世界如何变迁,它都能准确地显示着我们的时间与情感。
9. 他的心就像一块手表,紧紧地扣在心上,无论何时何地都能感受到对方的温度和气息。
10. 爱情就像手表的表带,虽然有时会松紧不适,但一旦系紧,便能永恒地陪伴着我们走过人生的每一个时刻。